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DNA8677 is leading the way with Sinusoidal Waveform for Integrated Functional Therapy (SWIFT)tm and a more advanced calculated version for discreet therapeutic quality of authentic arithmetic process utilizing NMEM key creating that of Reverberating Intonation Frequency Therapy (RIFT)tm that aides to give the brain targeted areas stimuli for healthy/corrected proper synaptic activity for the mapped brain SUBQMODAL (Subconcious Quotient Modality)tm points charted in the very late stages of development within production of documents to append to a more complete knowledge of the brain for health solutions.


How these are applied in the real world will depend on the consumer end device. The device for utilization can be that of either a Microsoft Windows laptop or desktop, or be it as simple as an Android powered netbook. And lastly, devices could also be that of an Android phone or tablet. Of the devices listed above there will be a requirement of installation(s) of applications/programs to set the foundation required to provide either functional SWIFT(tm) or RIFT(tm) frequencies. Furthermore, if none of these technologies are available and that what is left for utilization are of older model phones paired with ear buds that carry the capability to utilize a micro sd memory card, then precomposed solution can be created to transfer to the device for playback.


Naturalian86 can also offer that of SWIFT(tm) and RIFT(tm) to be applied within your prefered music/soundtrack for enhancing the quality of life to the specified request of the customer. It is however highly recommended that RIFT(tm) be appended to the soundtrack(s) for easy listening as the RIFT(tm) solutions are much more discreet frequency sounds that can still be picked up by the ears to provide brain state changes and provide a much more pleasant sound experience with its smooth integration upon the song track that you request.


Warm kind regards,

(Dean Ian Alcantara)

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